Improving sleep with Laure GARRON

Sophrology for better sleep

Generally, sleep problems revolve around 3 axes:

  • difficulty in falling asleep: ideas and ruminations swirl around in our heads, so that sleep becomes harder to come by and we can't get to sleep.
  • night-time awakenings: after having fallen asleep without any particular difficulty, we wake up for no reason, several times during the night or very (too) early in the morning, without being able to fall back asleep.
  • non-recovery sleep: even though we fall asleep satisfactorily and get enough sleep, we wake up tired with the very real feeling of not having recovered.

Sophrology to improve sleep quality

Sophrology is a perfectly adapted method for dealing with sleep problems thanks to the :

Breathing and relaxation exercises to help you relax quickly and independently.

Visualization exercises to help you "program" a good night's sleep and rest.

Concentration exercises to defocus the mind and thus calm down mentally and emotionally.

Gentle, ritualized body exercises to release physical and mental tension.

An environment conducive to restful sleep.

By acting on stress, physical and mental tension, managing emotions and promoting deep relaxation, sophrology helps create an environment conducive to restful sleep. It helps restore the balance between body and mind, making it easier to fall asleep and improving sleep quality. Techniques learned during sessions can be integrated into daily routines for lasting results.